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Yenny Gunawan
is a founder and art director at Beyond makeup Indonesia. She is Chinese Borned Indonesia in 1984 at a small city called Pematang Siantar in North Sumatra.
Once she graduated from high school, she immediately went to Beauty Academy in Jakarta to catch her dream to be a professional Makeup Artist… read more
To order service by her, please click here!
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Yenny Goey
is a very passionate Makeup Artist based in Bali. Borned in Pasuruan, East Java in 1978.
Started her career as a freelancer Makeup Artist in 2011 and joined Beyond Makeup Indonesia’s team in May 2018.
Her passion in this makeup field make her keep learning about makeup especially in wedding makeup and dedicated herself to give the satisfied result at the end 🙂
To order service by her, please click here!
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Maria Dharmira
is a professional worker who realizes that her passion is Makeup.
She came to us and joined the Basic to Pro makeup Class at the beginning of 2018. She is very talented and fast learner, very patient and calm.
Now she is one of the Beyond Makeup team, and she is available to do Bridal makeup or makeup for every special occasions.
To order service by her, please click here!
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Isty Irawan
is a professional hairdresser with more than 8 years experience.
She handles Beyond Makeup Bride hair to complement the look of your dream wedding. She is able to create various hairstyles for Bridal, ranging from a natural messy hair style to glamorous. Neat hair style for long, medium, and short hair.
To order service by her, please click here!
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Made Sariyanti
is Balinesse woman who are passionate in Makeup. She one of Beyond Makeup Team that are ready to help you in your any kind special occasions. She is also one of the teacher for a basic makeup class in Beyond Makeup Indonesia.
© copyright 2016 – BEYOND MAKEUP INDONESIA
Once she graduated from high school, she immediately went to Beauty Academy in Jakarta to catch her dream to be a professional Makeup Artist. Had been delayed for several years due to work in another field, she finally came back to catch her passion in Beauty Industry as a Makeup Artist in Bali in 2012.
Good reaction from the market, she decided to establish her makeup management company called Beyond Makeup Indonesia in 2016 and dedicated herself in this wedding makeup industry until now.
She is a makeup perfectionist with 10+ years of professional experience. She systematically attends international professional courses and events such as the annual International Makeup to keep up with the newest trends and novelties of Beauty and Makeup industry. By sharing this advantageous knowledge with her team of talented makeup artists.
With the smart combination of internationally trusted branded cosmetics and up-to-date skills she enhance your beauty and make you feel fully confident on your Special Day.
Her Worldwide Acceptanance can be seen from her work. The high quality makeup services has also been positively evaluated by Hundred Brides from many countries such as Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Rusia, Ukraine, America, Europe, Africa.
Currently she travel Bali – Jakarta – Bali for handling Brides and possible travel to your place to do your wedding makeup 🙂